Research Question: How can CBDCs be designed to ensure user privacy while mainta


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Research Question: How can CBDCs be designed to ensure user privacy while maintaining transparency and mitigating financial crime risk. How can a Central Bank Digital Currency be rolled out to gain optimal trust amongst the public.
Assignment Descriiption: Students are to reflect on and consider a methodology to address their dissertation question(s). The methodology review may consider justification for the use of a selected research approach or the pros and cons inherent in the selection Please note, this assignment is only mention to be a portion of the final methodology (chapter 3). Thus, the goal is to focus on an aspect of chapter 3. Hence, the review may share with the reader how the data will be collected or analyzed. The methodology review are due weeks 4 and 7 of class, should be 3-5 pages and submitted in Canvas. (SLO 1,3).
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to do the following:
1. Evaluate historical and foundational works in the field of macroeconomics.
2. Critique and synthesize major areas of current macroeconomic and behavioral economic research.
3. Develop and/or enhance an original research question(s).

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