On the basis of your research and data gathered, create a 8- to 10-page report t

Health & Medical

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On the basis of your research and data gathered, create a 8- to 10-page report that addresses the following:
Basic information about the country in which the problem is occurring
The main problem in the affected area of the globe
The population affected
Age, gender, race, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, religion, etc., of the target population
Social factors, such as culture and religion, that may influence the problem chosen
Partnerships between the government, nongovernmental organizations, tribes, etc., related to the problem chosen
Stakeholders (local and global) related to the problem chosen
Prevention or intervention programs used to address the problem chosen and who is involved
Ethical issues that may be factors in developing and implementing prevention and intervention programs for the disease
Other barriers or successes in addressing the problem you have chosen in the country
Support your responses with examples, a structured document free of spelling and grammatical errors, and appropriate references at the end of the document of sources you cited in the paper; cite any sources in accordance with APA guidelines.
Be sure to support your points for each of the components in parentheses with data from the program and outside research.

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