Investigate a potential Health care Administration research topic for your upcom

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Investigate a potential Health care Administration research topic for your upcoming Doctoral Study Project (DSP) by reviewing the 6 research samples listed in the Required Readings list:
Mixed Methods Convergent Design
Carmack, S. (2014). Making sense of well-being: A mixed-methods study applying sense-making theory to explore the role of communication competence and social support in physical, emotional, mental and comprehensive well-being. George Mason University. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Horevitz, E. O. (2013). Uptake of depression treatment among Latinos in integrated primary care: A mixed methods analysis. University of California, Berkeley. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Mercier, D. A. (2016). A mixed methods study of perceived social support based on the medical outcomes study social support survey in adults with repeated challenges with HIV medication adherence. University of Missouri, Columbia. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Mixed Methods Case Study Design
Dupree, J. P. (2011). Health literacy: A community-based mixed methods study of prescription medication self-management among community dwelling older adults. The University of Alabama. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Prengaman, M. V. (2016). A case study of individual and organizational stakeholder perspectives on state factors impacting access to rural health care services in Idaho. The University of New Mexico. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Pujeh-Fiakpo, S. (2018). A mixed methods examination of attitude and acculturation factors influencing mental health service receipt among African immigrants in the Washington metropolitan region. Morgan State University. Published Dissertation (ProQuest).
Summarize the Instrumentation utilized for each of the 6 studies and then select the Instrumentation you feel is most appropriate in representing the construct(s) of interest. Be sure to include details related to validity, reliability, and practicality.

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