For each of the ten weeks you choose to submit notes, you will select one readin


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For each of the ten weeks you choose to submit notes, you will select one reading and compile notes for that reading. You are still required to read the other reading selections of the week. Each of the points need to be written in complete sentences, and each main point and each question should be between 2-4 complete sentences per point. Feel free to use bullet points to answer each question the following information using this format: -At the top right of the paper, include your Name, Week #, and Date (single spaced) -Your reading notes should be no more than 1 page -12pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins Please include the following: Author(s) name: Title of reading/article/chapter: Year published: Name of publication: In your own words, what are 3 main points of the reading? Which components of this reading stand out in your mind? Feel free to include short quotes and reflect on it. Two discussion questions (open-ended, not yes or no)

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