As a special educator, one of your challenges is to be proactive in identifying


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As a special educator, one of your challenges is to be proactive in identifying and implementing appropriate behavioral interventions for students with behavior concerns. Being proactive may involve establishing clear rules and consistent consequences; analyzing student and teacher behavior for causal relationships; and planning and implementing interventions that are legal, effective, and appropriate.
For this Discussion, you will review behavior data sheets for a student in a case scenario and provide recommendations for evidence-based practices to implement at school and at home to help minimize the behavior.
Post a response that addresses the following:
Provides an analysis of the behaviors, antecedents, and consequences for Matt based on the data sheets from the Northgate School
Explains at least two evidence-based practices that you would suggest to the teachers to implement for Matt (Provide a rationale for each practice, explaining why you chose the intervention and how it meets the individual needs of the student.)
Explains one additional evidence-based strategy that you would give to family members to implement at home for the behavior
Matt’s Data Sheet attached to files.

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