Use this Article down and follow whhat is here in Evaluations :   Article : http

Health Care and Life Sciences : Nursing

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Use this Article down and follow whhat is here in Evaluations :
Article :
1- Article Review Guide: Regular format (10 Points) Article Review #____________ Name ___________________ Date ____________________
You must cover:
1. The main idea of the article and how it relates to class topics. This is a summary of the article. (4 points)
 2. Your personal reactions to the article. What new information did you learn? What was the most interesting thing about this article? (4 points3. Overall organization, spelling, punctuation, and quality of work. (2 points)
Reference Author or authors, (year), Title of Article. Name of Journal. Date of journal and volume, page numbers. (This must be complete and accurate.)
This article reviews should be brief—one page—to recap the article you have read. On the due date, you will be expected to share with the class your article and the insights you have gained.

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