Topic is CYSTIC FIBROSIS IN PEDIATRICS ONLY and follow the rubric. one brouche

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 Topic is CYSTIC FIBROSIS IN PEDIATRICS ONLY and follow the rubric. one broucher of back and font
Tool must have at some  images copied from an internet source and pasted into the document with citation.
Font must be of appropriate size and style.
Content is to be formatted in an organized pattern.
Must be evidence of use of nursing process in the development of the tool to include information in lay language on pathophysiology/ health issue, presenting signs and symptoms, diagnostics/labs as appropriate, medications as appropriate, medical/surgical treatments as appropriate, and evidence-based nursing care.
List of all resource including at least 5 internet sources on the tool in APA format.
irected Lab Assignment: Teaching/ Learning Tool for Parents
Learning Outcomes Required Learning
Outcome Assessments
Care Provider
1. Apply the nursing process in
a comprehensive
examination of selected topic
related to pediatric health
and wellness.
2. Develop a computer-
generated teaching/learning
tool for parents based
selected pediatric health
3. Communicator/Educator
Use effective oral
communication skills to
satisfactorily present
teaching/learning tool.
Research selected topic in
pediatric health and
Develop teaching/learning
tool for parents.
Present teaching/learning

get this assignment from a professional tutor. 100% original paper.

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