Step 2: Revise and Resubmit (earn up to 15% of the possible points for the assig


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Step 2: Revise and Resubmit (earn up to 15% of the possible points for the assignment) Students who want to earn the up to the maximum possible score can choose to complete the following revision and revision reflection components of the assignment. Revise and resubmit your assignment based on feedback from your instructor, your peers, and/or your own writing goals. In your revision, track the changes from your first publish so that your instructor can easily identify where you made revisions. Use strikethrough to indicate areas that should be deleted. Use bold-face to indicate areas where you are adding content. Complete a revision reflection. The reflection questions are to be answered separately and posted in the “comments” box when submitting your revised assignment. You can number your answers or write the in paragraph form. Be sure to address all three questions. Which areas of feedback did you choose to address in your revised version and why? How did you address this feedback in your revised version? Which areas of feedback did you choose not to address in your revised version and why?

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