Step 1: Write a rough publish of your essay and include it in this assignment. Ple


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Step 1: Write a rough publish of your essay and include it in this assignment. Please note that I am not reading these rough publishs, but I want to make sure that everyone has one written so that they can spend some time editing and revising. So a rough publish is part of this grade. (20 pts)
Step 2: Review the rubric for the essay, then answer each of the following questions. You must be specific; you can’t say “I reviewed the PowerPoint.” You also can’t say “I haven’t used one yet.” Your answer must clearly show that you know the rules.
Copy and paste your sentences that show that you’ve used the following components, then answer the questions. (25 points) Do not forget this part! Also, do NOT put your answers in quotes (except, of course, for answers 3 and 4 when you are including quotes). Highlighting your sentences in your rough publish for me to find does not fulfill this part of the assignment.
1. What is your creative title? How do you know you’ve written it correctly? (See Titles PowerPoint) Write the title with your answer.
2. How do you know the appositive is used and punctuated correctly? (See Appositives PowerPoint) Write your appositive with your answer.
3. How do you know you used the colon quote correctly? (See Varying Quotes PowerPoint) Write your colon quote with your answer.
4. How do you know you’ve used the embedded quote correctly? (See Varying Quotes PowerPoint) Write your embedded quote with your answer.
5. How do you know you’ve used the semicolon sentence correctly? (See semicolon section in textbook). Write your semicolon sentence with your answer.
The rough publish, questions, and sentences must be submitted on the same document. Rough publish on top, questions and sentences right below. (5 points for submitting on same document)
5 points for formatting your responses like the sample below.
Your answers to the questions should be formatted like this. (Note: Your sample on one line without quotation marks –unless actually designating a direct quote– and the answer to the question on the next line.)
1. What is your creative title? How do you know you’ve written it correctly? (See Titles PowerPoint)
Bucs Beat the Saints in a Decisive Victory
I know my title is written correctly because all significant words are capitalized and key words from the essay are used.

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