Printers are necessary equipment in most companies. Because a printer is not a c

Computer Science

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Printers are necessary equipment in most companies. Because a printer is not a computer it is often not considered when planning company security. Printers that are connected to the network potentially have access to all network resources.
For this assignment you read the article below. Identify a business (type of business and provide it with a name). Determine its printing needs. Based on those needs, identify the best locations for printers within the business (what departments, employees, areas need printers). Identify where printers should be placed and how each will be secured (note, your solution must include at least three (3) printers in different locations to support the needs of your business. This is a short paper and will follow the short paper rubric.
Your name belongs at the top of your submission.
For this assignment provide all of the following.
The departments/areas of the organization that will be supported by the printers
Specific security issues that require addressing for the printer use established for your selected business
Ways the issues shared in the above bullet can be minimized in your business (what can you do to protect the business)
The name and type of business
Additional Resources
CyberNews (2022). How to secure your printer – a step by step guide. Retrieved from

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