Prepare a research Proposal based on the topic, The Report should include: -Int


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Prepare a research Proposal based on the topic, The Report should include:
– Literature review to: (a) To support the hypotheses and framework (b) to identify gap in the literature (c) for each variable
– Research Methodology (quantitative only)
– Proposed frame work backed up with literature (existing empirical literature to be used to proof the existing relation ship between variables
– Gap analysis
-Limitation of the research and recommendation for future research
– Conclusion
1- Note that the number of references required is 50 Nos from high ranker journals (Q1 and Q2) and the literatures are limited to 10 years old (only 5 no’s are allowed beyond the limit)
2- Note that the research is targeting UAE as a region and preferably to have the proposal directed for that area and half the references is from similar region (UAE and GCC countries)

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