Pick two of the four prompts below and write a 1 paragraph response for each. In


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Pick two of the four prompts below and write a 1 paragraph response for each. In your response, make sure you write which question you are answering. Grading will be based on the content of your response and utilizing proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. 2.5 points for each response, total of 5 available points.
PROMPT 1: How do convergent and divergent plate boundaries contribute to the formation of mountain ranges? Include specific examples and describe the geological processes involved, as well as examples of mountain ranges formed by each.
PROMPT 2: Describe the processes at convergent plate boundaries that lead to mountain building. Compare and contrast continental-continental and oceanic-continental convergences.
PROMPT 3: How do different types of tectonic plate movements contribute to earthquake activity, and how might that be related to mountain-building processes? Where are these forces most likely to be witnessed?
PROMPT 4: Describe what happens when two oceanic plates collide; which plate subducts? How do we know this, and explain the geologic processes involved?

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