In this week’s module, you will find an electrical lighting plan and a lighting


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In this week’s module, you will find an electrical lighting plan and a lighting fixture schedule.
Examine the lighting plan closely and provide a take-off for the most common lighting fixture on the plans and one other lighting fixture of your choice. To do this, Google each fixture. Decide on your choice of supplies and cost per unit.
Create an Excel spreadsheet that lists the fixture ID, cost per unit, tax, and overhead (10%) for each selected fixture, and then provide a total for the chosen items. This spreadsheet should include the formulas for the extended costs.
In your post, attach a copy of your Excel spreadsheet and reflect upon the process you used to calculate this takeoff. Specifically, address:How did you arrive at this conclusion?
Where do you feel you did things correctly?
Where did you experience trouble?
Why did you experience trouble?

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