Imagine you work for an organization and your boss needs you to keep him/her up


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Imagine you work for an organization and your boss needs you to keep him/her up to speed with relevant cybersecurity news.
I would like you to find and pick four articles in the news. They must be from 2024. Assume these topics all impact your organization.
For each topic, write a BLUF-style “Headline”. This headline will be used as the subject line for the message that you will send to your boss and/or colleagues. The headline must include the: ISSUE, EFFECT, and IMPACT.
Don’t be mechanical about it… that is DO NOT write the words BLUF, ISSUE, EFFECT, IMPACT or SO WHAT in your headline. Keep the headline reasonably short, but long enough to cover all three elements. Do one headline for * each of these 4 topics *. Feel free to look up additional information about the topics if you want. Each topic should have at least one source in your references that is the article you are getting the elements of your headline from.
Headlines do NOT need to be complete sentences! Your final submission should be FOUR headlines. That’s four “sentences” that might also serve as the subject line in an e-mail. Don’t over-think this… just get the writing process started.
Make sure to follow APA formatting: double spaced, 1″ margins, page number in the top right corner, the appropriate title page, and correctly formatted references. Refer to the APA Style PowerPoint if needed.

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