Each question needs 137 words and 2 references each. Please place the references


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Each question needs 137 words and 2 references each. Please place the references under the question.
W5- Discussion Question 1
From the internet, find and send a summary of a case or article about a case involving the issuance or execution of an administrative warrant. Summarize the facts, issues and legal reasons for the court’s decision and set forth your reasoned position concerning the outcome and reasoning. Be sure to send a link to the information. Discuss your posts with your peers.
W5: Discussion Question 2
Starting with this site, find and summarize an adjudicatory decision of a federal administrative agency. https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/adminlaw/administrative-decisions
Summarize the facts of the case, the legal issue, the agency’s decision and the legal basis for the agency’s decision. Set your reasoned opinion, based on the law, regarding whether or not you agree with the decision. Discuss your summaries and positions with your peers.

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