Discussion Week 6: Understanding Whiteness, White Privilege and White Supremacy


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Discussion Week 6: Understanding Whiteness, White Privilege and White Supremacy
Reflecting on White Like Me: Race, Racism and White Privilege in America, what areyour thoughts about Tim Wise’s position on whiteness and white privilege in America? Please use specific examples from the video to support your response. Instructions:
Each student must post a response to the discussion question(s). Individual responses to discussion questions should be 150-200 words.
Reflection Referencing the readings from this week, provide two to three specific examples of how whiteness is institutionalized, and discuss how the institutionalization of whiteness and white supremacy relates to the histories and inequalities of people of color in America.
Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and demonstrate engagement with the readings. Be sure to cite examples directly from text to support your response.


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