Description Assignment Details In the Discussion Board (DB) for this unit, you c


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Assignment Details
In the Discussion Board (DB) for this unit, you continued the process of learning how to complete basic annotations using one more article of your choosing (and that you did not use in Unit 6). You accomplished this by providing a complete citation of an article that aligns with your research problem, the complete abstract plus keywords, and your explanation of why this article is useful. In this Individual Project (IP) assignment, your task once again is to extend this process—with an additional step—to the source you chose for the DB plus 4 more new sources.
For each of the 5 new sources (the one from the Unit 7 DB assignment plus 4 new ones), provide the following items:
Complete APA citation
Abstract plus keywords
5 short but key quotations from each of your 5 sources
Your paraphrases of each of these quotations
A concise paragraph for each source in which you formulate, for your own future reference
An evaluation of what makes this article valuable to your understanding of the research problem, i.e., how it is related to your research problem
Whether it is a theoretical or conceptual piece related to your topic and problem or a report of original research related to your topic and problem
Your final submission should be approximately 4–6 pages.

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