Assignment Task Part of working on your writing is taking the time to reflect on


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Assignment Task
Part of working on your writing is taking the time to reflect on what
you did well and what you think you need to improve upon. Think about
the paper you just submitted and your writing process—all of the steps
that you took to complete this writing task. For this mini-essay, you
will write a reflective essay in which you address all of the following:
Describe your writing process
What parts of your writing process did you find help you understand
and tackle the prompt in a way that made you feel confident about your
What parts of your process made you feel frustrated? Why?
Moving forward, what parts of the writing process would you like to
see more of during our class sessions. Explain in detail why.I
I have linked my essay please use my essay Submission Guidelines
Be a word.doc, word.docx, or .pdf file
MLA format: 12-point font; 1” margins all around; double spaced
Be a minimum of 500-750 words
Have an original title

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