Read the articles for this week under the “Sports” module. Then, choose ONE of t


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Read the articles for this week under the “Sports” module. Then, choose ONE of the articles and write a response that argues AGAINST the author’s stance. It doesn’t matter if you truly agree or disagree. This is just an exercise in creating an argument. (Article is attached)
There is no word count for this response, but you need to come up with at least TWO reasons that go against the author’s argument. Do not use any outside research. Just use your own logic and common sense to think of some counter-arguments.
In order to create counter-arguments, you must first be able to clearly articulate what the author’s stance is. Any time you mention a source, give their full name the first time, and refer to them by last name after that. The first time you mention the source, provide a brief detail about who they are. (Example: “According to Bob Smith, a reporter for the New York Times ….”) This lets the reader know how/why they can trust this source.
Provide at least one BLENDED quote from each of the articles you write about.
DO NOT respond in bullet-point style. Write sentences and paragraphs that flow.
Provide a short intro paragraph where you tell me which article you picked.
As always:
—Microsoft Word doc
—TNR, 12-point font, standard margins
—Number the pages
—Put your name on it!

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