1. From the customer perspective (you are the customer here!), select an instanc


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1. From the customer perspective (you are the customer here!), select an instance when an organization failed to meet your expectation of quality (services and/or product). Additional details will be provided in class during Week 1.
2. Prepare 5 Power Point Slides to describe the context of the situation (PPT1):
• Use one slide to describe what happened and why you perceive this situation as a Service Failure.
3. Use the remaining 4 slides to address:
•How would Deming react to and describe your situation?
(Hint: utilize Chapter 2: “The Deming Philosophy”, “Deming’s 14 Points”, “Profound Knowledge”)
•How would Juran and Crosby’s reactions differ from Deming’s?
I will provide screenshots of chapter 2
PPT = PowerPoint

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